How multitasking is hurting your homeschool

The homeschool mom is called upon to be a master multitasker. But multitasking is actually not saving you time. Multi-tasking is hurting your homeschool because it makes it hard to focus on what’s important.  Let’s look at some easy ways to redefine how we complete our homeschool and household tasks. 

This is part 2 in a 3-part series designed to help your homeschool mindset shift

Check out Part 1: Surprising Reasons even good homeschool moms lose focus

 and Part 3: Tried and True Tips to Reclaim your Homeschool Day!

 No More Multi-Tasking

Multi-tasking is doing over one thing at a time. When you take an honest look, you cannot do 2, 3, or 4 things and have them all done well. They get done, but are they done well? Multi-tasking is often thought of as an effective way to work, but doing too much at one time can water down your focus.

Everyone has the same twenty-four hours in a day, yet some people get much more done than others. Focus on one task at a time and you’ll finish in plenty of time to complete the other items on your list. 

Set Limits

Limit the types and number of things you do at once. You can throw in a load of laundry or empty the dishwasher while the kids are working on an assignment. Ask yourself this: If your children attended school in a classroom, how would you feel if their teacher folded her laundry while presenting the history lesson? A successful homeschool is balanced and sets aside quality time for each task.  

avoid distractions

Being intentional when planning your day can make all the difference when giving up the burden of multi-tasking. It’s hard to focus when your attention is diverted to things that don’t matter as much as the to-do list. You are running a school, and ‌it deserves your attention. Sometimes distractions are out of your control. Most of the time our habits contribute to our tendency to get distracted and unfocused. Let’s look at 4 ways to master our focus and leave the urge to multi-task behind.

Consider these ideas when planning your homeschool day:

Do arduous tasks first

Eating the frog is the term used to describe doing the most difficult or distasteful job of the day when you are most productive. This way, everything else will pale in comparison. If you have the most energy in the morning, do the hardest or most distasteful thing on your list bright and early. If you are more energetic in the evening or nighttime, save it until you are at your peak performance. For me this is Laundry. I get it started first thing in the morning so I do not put it off until it will take a whole day to complete. A load a day keeps naked people away, lol. 

The topics you teach can be “frogs” as well. I never felt confident teaching Math. When I was a classroom teacher, I scheduled math FIRST and told my classes it was my favorite subject. I wanted to share that excitement with them first thing every day. It was much easier to enjoy the remaining subjects after math was out of the way. 

Try a Timer

Some people do well in short bursts broken up by “brain breaks”. If you (or your kids)  tend to get overwhelmed by the entire school day, it may help to use a timer method. A timer allows you to focus your energy uninterrupted for specific time frames. Between scheduled school subject times, engage in an activity that helps you relax and revive for the next round of focused work. This also helps prevent going off on history trails that last so long you never get to Science! 

Be Honest About What You Can Accomplish

Over-committing or underestimating how much time you need for school projects, lessons, and even the school day can complicate and sabotage your quest to give up multi -tasking. Having more to do than can possibly be done can lead to burnout and “canceling” school to get other tasks done. Be sure to set aside enough time in your day to realistically meet both the needs of your school and your home. 

Thanks for stopping by Happy Hive Homeschooling to explore how multitasking is hurting your homeschool

Feeling scattered can make it hard to know where to put your emphasis. It’s best to start by stopping anything that’s not vital. Taking a deep breath and realizing you can’t do it all, right now, can help. Realizing you feel scattered but aren’t sure where to start can help you stop and evaluate your next steps. From there you can start to narrow your focus and get your homeschool tasks back on track.

Be sure to check out Part 1: Surprising Reasons even good homeschool moms lose focus and Part 3 Tried-and-True Tips to Reclaim your Homeschool Day!

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I can’t wait to share my homeschool expertise and mindset-shifting superpowers with you each edition of THE BUZZ. We’ll also chat about the methods I used to organize, schedule, and lesson plan in my homeschool with the hopes it will help you have a happy hive too. In the meantime, “Bee” sure to check out the different methods of homeschooling as well as our 3 easy strategies for burnout.

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