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Blossoming Joy

As the world begins to awaken from winter’s slumber, March 12th invites us to celebrate the beauty of nature with National Plant a Flower Day. This joyful occasion encourages us to embrace the wonders of gardening, teaching kids the magic of planting seeds and watching them bloom into vibrant flowers.

In this blog post, let’s explore the significance of National Plant a Flower Day and share delightful ways for kids to celebrate this blooming extravaganza.

The Importance of National Plant a Flower Day

As early as 2,500 BC, the Ancient Egyptians had flowers in their great halls and on their tables. They also used flowers as a way to show respect to both the living and the dead.

National Plant a Flower Day marks the beginning of the gardening season, inspiring individuals, young and old, to connect with nature and cultivate the earth. Planting flowers not only adds splashes of color to our surroundings but also fosters a sense of responsibility, patience, and appreciation for the environment.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Equinox will bring Spring, lending itself to planting flowers for lovely gardens. Don’t let that stop those of you heading into winter. There are plenty of flowers that will bloom in colder climates including: 

  • Aquilegia
  • Begonia
  • Calendula
  • Cornflower
  • Delphinium
  • Dianthus
  • Foxglove
  • Grevillea

Ways Kids Can Celebrate National Plant a Flower Day:

  1. Selecting Seeds or Seedlings: Begin the celebration by taking a trip to a local garden center or nursery. Allow kids to choose their favorite flower seeds or seedlings, empowering them to make decisions and express their unique preferences.
  2. Decorate Planting Pots: Make the planting process even more special by decorating plain pots with vibrant colors, stickers, and personal touches. These personalized pots add a touch of creativity to the gardening experience.
  3. Planting a Rainbow Garden: Encourage diversity and creativity by planting a rainbow garden. Select flowers of various colors and arrange them in a rainbow pattern, creating a visually stunning and educational display.
  4. Storytime in the Garden: Set up a cozy reading nook in the garden with blankets and pillows. Read books about flowers, gardening, and the wonders of nature, fostering a love for literature and the outdoors.
  5. Create Flower Markers: Craft DIY flower markers using materials like popsicle sticks or small wooden spoons. Kids can decorate these markers and use them to label the flowers they’ve planted.
  6. Garden Journaling: Start a garden journal to document the planting process. Kids can write or draw about their experiences, observations, and the changes they notice as their flowers grow.
  7. Ladybug Release Party: Introduce beneficial insects to the garden by hosting a ladybug release party. Ladybugs help control pests, and releasing them becomes a fun and educational experience for kids.
  8. Floral Crown Crafting: Embrace the beauty of flowers by crafting floral crowns. Use flowers from the garden to create whimsical crowns, fostering a sense of creativity and connection with nature.
  9. Scavenger Hunt Among the Blooms: Organize a flower-themed scavenger hunt. Create a list of flowers for kids to find in the garden, encouraging them to explore and identify different blooms.
  10. Blooming Dance Party: Celebrate the growth of the flowers with a blooming dance party. Play upbeat music, and let kids dance among the blossoms, expressing joy and celebrating nature’s beauty.

National Plant a Flower Day provides a fantastic opportunity for kids to engage with the natural world, fostering a love for gardening and an appreciation for the beauty that surrounds them. By planting seeds of curiosity and care, children can watch not only flowers but also their own connection to nature flourish. Let the celebration of blooming joy commence! 🌸🌼✨

Can’t celebrate this year – Mark your calendar & save this holiday for next year!

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