Try Adding A Gratitude Practice for a More Mindful Homeschool

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This post is part of a series designed to help Homeschool families with their overall Mindset through meditation and mindfulness. Be sure to check out the other posts in the series:



Homeschooling can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both parents and children, but it can also be a difficult and stressful endeavor. One way to alleviate stress and improve overall happiness is to use the mindfulness technique of gratitude.

Incorporating gratitude into your homeschooling routine can be a great way to create a positive and encouraging learning environment for you and your children. Gratitude is the practice of recognizing the good things in life and expressing appreciation for them.

Benefits of Gratitude

When it comes to homeschooling, the benefits of gratitude can be felt by everyone.

For parents, expressing gratitude helps to remind us of the importance of our role in our children’s lives. It can also help us to stay focused on the big picture and keep our daily homeschooling tasks in perspective. Taking time to express gratitude can also help to reduce stress and promote a sense of calm, which can be beneficial for both parents and children.

For children, expressing gratitude can help to boost self-esteem and improve their overall attitude towards learning. It can also help children to develop a sense of appreciation for their parent’s hard work and dedication. Taking time to recognize the things that we are thankful for can also help to foster a sense of connection between parents and children.


Gratitude can easily be incorporated into your homeschooling routine in a variety of ways. You and your children can each keep a gratitude journal. You can also begin and end each day by focusing on positive things. Even writing thank you notes is a Gratitude practice.

A Gratitude Journal

You can start by taking a few minutes each day to talk about the things you are grateful for. This can be done as a group, or each family member can take a turn sharing what they are thankful for. Then move toward writing these gratitudes onto paper.

For Kids:

A gratitude journal can be as simple as a notebook or journal. 

Encourage your children to write down a few things they’re grateful for each day. It could be anything from a compliment someone gave them to a beautiful flower they saw on the nature walk you took that day.

When your kids write down their thoughts, it helps them to focus on all the good things they have in their lives. This can help them to develop an attitude of gratitude and appreciation. 

Additionally, gratitude journals can help to reduce stress and anxiety, boost self-esteem, and foster better relationships with others. To make the process of recording their gratitude even more fun for your kids, you can get creative with their journals.

Encourage them to decorate their journals with stickers, pictures, or any other creative ideas they come up with. You could even make a game out of it and challenge your kids to find something new to be grateful for each day.

For the Homeschool Mom:

As a homeschool parent, it’s all too easy to become overwhelmed with the daily grind of teaching and managing your children’s education. But if you take a few moments each day to reflect and express gratitude for the blessings in your life, you can find a renewed sense of joy and purpose in your homeschooling experience.

One of the best ways to do this is to keep a gratitude journal. Simply put, a gratitude journal is a daily record of things for which you are thankful. It doesn’t have to be long and involved – just a few sentences about the positive aspects of your life.

For homeschool parents, a gratitude journal can be a great tool for staying focused on the good and finding joy in everyday moments. Writing down just a few things each day that you are thankful for can help you stay positive, even in challenging times. It can remind you of the wonderful things in your life, from your children’s milestones to the little moments of joy that come with homeschooling.

Recognizing the Positive

Focusing on the positive aspects of life can be beneficial in many ways. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve overall mental health, boost self-confidence, and create a sense of happiness. It can also help to reframe challenging situations in a more positive light, allow for better problem solving, and lead to better decision making. Additionally, focusing on the positives can help to create healthier habits, improve relationships, and increase motivation.

Here are some tips for helping kids focus on the positive in life:

1. Help children to identify their strengths. By understanding their own unique talents, children can learn to recognize and appreciate the positive in themselves and others.

2. Use positive language. Avoid using negative language or labels when talking to children. Instead, focus on the positive and point out what they do well.

4. Make positive comparisons. Instead of comparing children to others, focus on their individual accomplishments and successes.

5. Focus on solutions. Rather than dwelling on problems, encourage children to brainstorm solutions and work together to come up with positive outcomes.

6. Encourage gratitude. Help children to recognize the blessings in their lives and practice gratitude by expressing thanks for the good things that come their way.

7. Help children to practice self-care. Encourage children to take time for themselves and engage in activities that make them feel good, such as reading, playing sports, listening to music, etc.

Thank you notes

Thank you notes have become quite a lost art over the years. It seems that the art of sending a simple note of appreciation has become lost in a world of instant messaging and quick emails. However, the power of a hand-written note of gratitude can go a long way in showing someone that you truly appreciate their gesture or kind words.

When children take the time to handwrite a note to thank someone, it shows that they have put thought into their message. It also shows that they have taken the time to sit down and personally express their thanks.

A handwritten thank you note is something that people keep and remember, and it can be even more meaningful if it is done in a timely manner. When someone sends you a gift, a thank you note is the perfect way to show your appreciation. It is a great way to let them know how much you value their kindness and that you are grateful for the thought they put into the gift.

A thank you note can also be used to express appreciation for someone’s time or effort. If someone has gone out of their way to do something special for you, a handwritten thank you note can be a great way to show your gratitude.

Writing thank you notes is also a great way to practice handwriting. Taking the time to sit down and write a note of appreciation can help improve your child’s handwriting skills and provide them with a creative outlet.

Gratitude Meditation

Gratitude meditation is a powerful practice that can help us to cultivate more appreciation and connection in our lives. If you’re looking for a simple way to increase wellbeing and foster a greater sense of joy, try gratitude meditation. You might be surprised at the positive changes it can bring to your homeschool.

Gratitude meditations are a great way to help kids cultivate a sense of appreciation and joy. You can meditate as a family, or individually throughout the day.

Check out THIS POST for more Easy Meditation Practices for your Homeschool.

Here’s How:

The practice of gratitude meditation begins with finding a comfortable seated position and closing your eyes. Have your children take a few moments to settle into their bodies and take a few deep breaths.

As you inhale and exhale, focus your attention on the present moment. Once you have settled into your body and breath, bring your attention to the things you are grateful for.

Start with simple things like the sun on your skin or warm oatmeal. Then, gradually move on to more complex things like the support of your family or the beauty of nature.

Allow yourself to truly savor each moment of gratitude. Feel the warmth of appreciation in the core of your being. Allow yourself to smile and appreciate the beauty of this present moment.

You might also choose to spend some time visualizing a person, place, or thing that you are grateful for. Imagine its beauty and the energy of gratitude it brings to your life. As you do this, fill your body with the warmth of appreciation.

When you feel ready, slowly open your eyes and allow yourself to come back to the present moment. Take a few moments to sit in stillness and notice the changes in your body, mind, and spirit.

Need More ideas for adding gratitude? Check out the

Tools for adding a gratitude practice to your homeschool

Adding a gratitude practice to your homeschool is an excellent way to help your child appreciate the world around them. It can help them develop an attitude of gratitude, which can lead to a more positive outlook on life and a greater ability to cope with difficult emotions. So, if you’re looking for a way to make your homeschool more meaningful and enriching, a gratitude practice is a great place to start.

Available in the Happy Hive Shop, This character education resource helps you nurture an attitude of gratitude in your home and beyond.
This guest post I wrote is over on the blog: How to Homeschool my Child
Step-By-Step instructions for this gratitude craft you can use any time of the year: Available as a free download from the shop.

Check out these posts designed to help you with your overall homeschool life: 






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