Umbrella Cover Day

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On July 5th, we celebrate Umbrella Cover Day, a lighthearted holiday dedicated to the often-overlooked accessory that keeps our umbrellas protected.

The History of Umbrellas

Umbrellas have a rich history dating back thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all used umbrellas for shade from the sun. However, the umbrella as we know it today, with its collapsible and portable design, originated in China during the 11th century. These early umbrellas were crafted from silk and bamboo, offering protection from both rain and sun.

Umbrella Covers and Their Evolution

Although the history of umbrellas is well-documented, the origins of umbrella covers remain somewhat elusive. Historical records do not specifically mention the covers. However, it is believed that umbrella covers emerged once umbrellas gained popularity, primarily due to their high cost during that era. These covers were introduced to protect the valuable umbrellas and ensure their longevity by keeping them in good condition over time.

Activities for Kids on Umbrella Cover Day:

Umbrella Cover Design

Encourage children to unleash their creativity by designing their own umbrella covers. Provide them with plain white or colored fabric, fabric markers, or paints, and let their imaginations run wild. They can experiment with patterns, shapes, and even incorporate their favorite themes or characters. You can also do this with a paper towel tube just for fun as it’s not likely the cardboard tube would protect your umbrella!

Umbrella Cover Fashion Show

Organize a mini fashion show where kids can showcase their designed umbrella covers. Encourage them to strike poses, walk the runway, and describe their inspirations behind the cover designs. This activity promotes self-expression, confidence, and appreciation for creativity.

Rainy Day Art

  1. Raindrop Painting: Take a large sheet of paper or canvas and place it outside during a gentle rain shower. Let the raindrops create beautiful patterns and designs on the paper. You can experiment with different angles and positions to capture the raindrops in various ways. Once the rain has stopped, allow the artwork to dry and admire the unique raindrop patterns left behind.
  2. Watercolor Rain Scene: Set up an art station indoors near a window with a good view of the rain. Provide children with watercolor paints and paper or watercolor sketchbooks. Encourage them to observe the rain and paint what they see, incorporating the rainy weather into their artwork. They can capture the falling raindrops, the gray skies, or the puddles on the ground.
  3. Rainy Day Photography: If you have a waterproof camera or a smartphone with a protective case, take it outside during the rain and capture captivating images of the raindrops, reflections, and the overall ambiance. Encourage kids to experiment with different angles and perspectives to create interesting compositions. They can also explore macro photography to capture close-up shots of raindrops on leaves or flowers.
  4. Wet Chalk Art: This activity combines the vibrant colors of chalk with the rain. Choose a paved outdoor surface, such as a patio or driveway, and provide children with a variety of chalk colors. Let them create drawings or patterns on the wet surface. As the rain falls, it will blend with the chalk, creating a beautiful watercolor effect. Kids can experiment with different techniques like blending colors or using water to spread the chalk.

Can’t celebrate this year – Mark your calendar & save this holiday for next year!

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