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We lovingly refer to July 3 to August 11th to as the Dog Days of Summer each year. In general, the “Dog Days” are the hottest days of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. 

You may think they are called the dog days of summer because they are so hot that they are “not fit for a dog”, but that’s not exactly the reason for the dog reference. 

The “Dog Days” the general reference is to the HOT, lazy days of summer. You can learn more about why they are called the “Dog Days” and get some ideas for celebrating on the website.

Here’s the scoop. 

In the summer, the brightest star visible from any part of earth, Sirius (part of the constellation Canis Major) is in the same region of the sky as the sun. This means the dog star, as it is sometimes called, rises and sets with the sun. 

On July 23rd, Sirius is in conjunction with the sun. This means it lines up with the sun in the sky. The ancient Romans believed, that because this star was so bright, it gave off heat and added to the sun’s warmth, making this time period extra hot.  

The Ancient Romans called this time diēs caniculārēs, or “dog days.”

They were right that this time of the year IS the hottest, but it’s not because of added radiation from Sirius. The extra heat is because of the tilt of the earth. 

During summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the tilt of the Earth causes the Sun’s rays to hit at a more direct angle, for a longer period of time throughout the day. This means longer, hotter days – The DOG DAYS of Summer!

You can celebrate the Dog Days of Summer by:

  • Learn more about the seasons
Visit the Happy Hive Homeschooling store to purchase this year long lapbook project!
  • Keep cool inside with our FREE Summer Activity Pack

Dog Days of Summer Activity Pack – currently in our DOLLAR DEALS

  • Dog Breed Bingo
  • Dog Coloring Pages
  • Canus Major Poke Art Activity
dog themed worksheet samples
Grab these dog-themed worksheets and stay inside during the dog days of summer!

Create adorable Dog Crafts like these:

Dog corner bookmark from RED TED ART

Paper Cup Dalmatian from GLUED to my CRAFTS

Craft Stick Puppy from OUR KID THINGS

Happy Hive Homeschooling (That’s us!) even has a cool DOG PAPER PLATE CRAFT

Can’t celebrate this year – Mark your calendar & save this holiday for next year!

You can also pin the image below to your Pinterest boards to save this fantastic holiday!

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Jul 03 2024 - Aug 11 2024


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