💛 Worried you’re not cut out for homeschooling?  (Luke Skywalker was ready to give up when he crashed onto the swampy planet of Dagobah.)

💛 Exhausted from teaching multiple children, multiple subjects, and trying to figure out their unique talents? (Professor X  has many students who he raises and instructs and each of them have various talents and abilities.)

💛 Overwhelmed by the need to teach everything; lessons, and life skills combined? (Mr. Miyagi specialized in using life lessons as his teaching method.)


We all need a Yoda, Professor X or Mr. Miyagi
from time to time

✨ I know it can be hard to ask for help. ✨

It was for me, and I’m a credentialed teacher. 

 Accepting help is exactly what Mindful Homeschooling is all about.

mentor you so you can mentor your children. 

Your Homeschool Isn't broken

... But some help sure would be nice!

Whatever journey you are on, I can help. Homeschooling from the beginning or, if you want to remove your children from a public, private, or charter school, and homeschool moving forward. 

 There is no right or wrong way to home educate.

There is only your way – what works best for you.

The Happy Hive Homeschool Success System will help you explore your inner goals and the workings of your children and family to find what works best for YOU! 

I look forward to the adventures that await and getting to know you and your children! 

coaching packages available

As your homeschool coach, I’ll help you gain the skills & confidence needed to run a school AND build lifelong memories with your children.

 As I help you discover your inner strength and access your unique talents as a homeschool mom I also encourage you to foster your relationship with your children through memory-making activities that fit into any homeschooling method! 

Start Here

This is a no-pressure way for us to get to know one another and see if homeschool coaching is right for you.

You’ll get two (2)  30-minute calls, the recording, customized action steps, and email follow-up all with no sales pitch. 

If you feel like working together is just what your homeschool needs – you can schedule a third call.

At the end of your third session, I’ll set aside time to review my package options and help you select the best fit for your unique situation. 


a 6 week 1:1 video coaching experience

Video coaching held weekly for 6 weeks.  Each – 30 minute coaching call is designed to guide you through key topics designed for homeschool success. 

What's included

Topics in the Happy Hive Homeschool Success System


    Your brain is doing it's job..."talking" to you about all the things. But, the truth is, we get to choose those thoughts and use them to power our day, week, month and year. Get strategies for using journaling, affirmations and the S.T.E.A.R. method for getting unstuck.


    There are a lot of little moving parts to running a homeschool. We're going to create some best practices for meeting the needs of your children as individuals, your family as a whole and YOUR needs as the one running a Home + School.


    Curriculum isn't books - it's actually TOPICS. With an accurate definition of curriculum you'll eliminate wasted time deciding what curriculum is "right" and if you should teach this, or teach that.


    Learn my tried and true strategies for implementing a routine, establishing a schedule and keeping homeschool records. The POWER HOUR will tansform your homeschool.


    You're running a school, and that means you need a plan. This call focuses on outlining that map regardless of where you are along your journey.


    Yep, we're going there...to the topic that is all the buzz recently: Self Care. I'll help you recognize how you are in fact taking care of yourself, restoring your energy and if you actually need to add more "self care" into the mix.

Meet Christy - A.K.A Mrs. Crabtree

Do you want to Homeschool but you have no idea where to start? Perhaps there is a voice in your head (or relatives and friends) telling you you will turn your children into some sort of 3 headed monsters… I’m here to help!

You CAN homeschool. No teaching credential or experience is required! God gave you 100% of the tools you needed the day he made you a parent, I promise. 

What qualifies me to help you? 

I homeschooled my 3 children. My daughters were homeschooled until they were a sophomore and a junior in high school. Then they choose to attend “regular” school.  My son is the proud recipient of a Diploma from the Gandara Bug Academy! 

All three of my “bugs” are now attending local colleges and/or working. I consider my homeschooling journey a success because:

A. They are all alive and

B. Other adults consider my children contributing members of society.

I have over 20 years of experience as an educator and administrator in California working in private schools and public schools working with grades TK-8.

This allowed me to understand on many levels how children learn by accessing their talents. 

I had a homeschool mentor, and recognize the powerful transformation this provided my homeschool journey. 

In fact, I’m still being mentored because I’m a life-long learner. 



individual sessions

Buy 1, 2, 3, or 100.

Individual Coaching is a  simple and effective way to bounce ideas around and get tips and tricks as needed. 

These 1:1 video calls are scheduled at your convenience and held on GOOGLE MEET. 

This is simple coaching. You and me bouncing around anything homeschool related for 30 minutes. Tap into my experience as both a homeschool mom, classroom teacher and School Administrator. I’ll help you create a homeschool buzzing with excitement one session at a time. 

All coaching packages come with a pre- call questionnaire to help me get to know you and your needs.  


⊗ I’m not a therapist or a counselor. 

♥ I’m here to support you in your homeschool journey. 

⊗ I’m not here to analyze you and treat you like you have a defect. 

I treat all my clients with respect and your unique homeschooling speed bumps as just that – bumps in the road.


They are not overwhelming problems, just things we can find solutions to together.

 I want you to have a great homeschool experience! 

⊗ I do not offer a step-by-step process of HOW to homeschool.

♥ The way to learn to homeschool is by homeschooling.

I couldn’t begin to tell you how to homeschool because I only know the steps I took for my 3 kids: Lauren, Megan, and Douglas – with their unique talents, challenges, learning styles, and personalities.

I work with you to create your own unique experience embracing the talents, challenges, learning styles, and personalities of your children. 

⊗ I’m not your boss. As your coach, I will not tell you what to do.

Be willing to choose the level of commitment and goals you want your children to have on their homeschool journey. 

I design each coaching session with Happy Hive Homeschool to SUPPORT your homeschool. My goal is to give you strategies you can implement, methods you can use, and mindset shifts you can apply.

What people say about working with Christy

Christy helped me take the fear out of starting to homeschool my boys. When the thought of homeschooling came up, I was terrified I would ‘mess up’ my boys since I did not feel qualified enough. In my heart I knew that traditional school was not the right option for them at that time. I approached Christy about her experience in homeschooling. Not only did she help calm my fears, she set me on the right path to succeeding as a homeschooler! And she was there for me as a sounding board and coach through it all. I am forever grateful!

Diana M - Georgia

Coming from a family that all went to a traditional school, I was far from ever thinking that one day I would home-school my child. Well, the day came when my husband and I decided that a traditional school was not for our child. Not knowing how or what to do, a family member recommended that we talk to Christy Gandara. It was the best decision we ever made. Christy guided us through the whole process. From taking our son out of public school, to filing the paperwork with the state to start our own homeschool. That was just the beginning. Christy also customized our curriculum to fit our son’s needs. She spent countless hours guiding me and reassuring me that I could teach my son. She was right, I did teach my son!!! We successfully homeschooled our son for five years. We will be forever grateful for all of the advice and knowledge she helped us with!!!

Ana W.

My child didn’t like school for many reasons but the one reason that made me decide to pull my child from publicly funded school was the fact that my child wasn’t interested in the academics of school.

I felt that I could instill in my child the desire to answer the questions that my child kept asking me. Why? What? Who? When? Where? My child would ask a question based on these five Ws multiple times a day.

With my collaboration with Christy Gandara I was able to create a structure to my child’s day that allowed them to seek the answers to those questions they kept asking. I was able to see the spark of interest return to my child’s academics that had been lost in the public school.

I know I could do this on my own but I sought out Mrs. Gandara’s help because she provided me with the knowledge that only a seasoned school teacher who has homeschool experience could give.

This is the special magic that she uses, the combination of the two worlds. How would what I try on him work? She would provide antidotes on how those processes might work for other kids in her classroom or her own homeschooled children. This allowed me to change my approach faster and correct for things in a timely fashion without always having to wait for the results from my child.

I felt more confident with Mrs. Gandara on my side.

I also benefited from Mrs. Gandara in two more ways: she cheered me on consistently and even when I thought I didn’t need cheering on. She knew my child. She got to know my child so that I knew she was also cheering my child on as well. She had both of our interests in her heart and her actions.

She knew me so that she could support the work I was doing as a facilitator of my own child’s learning and she supported my child in understanding how to have a new teacher, their own mother, and to have a positive attitude of gratitude through it all.

I know that when Mrs. Gandara works with a family in a homeschooling setting she is able to look at the big picture and synthesize her work with them as a whole. Everyone benefits.

Emily N.

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The Buzz is our email newsletter and basically our way of buzzing into your inbox with practical information to help you homeschool!

I love to visit with you, share some coffee and chat about ways to organize, establish routines, and help your kids engage with our fun holiday of the day resources.